Monday, August 19, 2019

Week 6 - Returning to school - See it. Own it. Solve it. Do it.

    I enjoyed our zone conference/fireside this week and some short notes that I wrote down from zone conference are: See it. Own it. Solve it. Do it. These four steps are essential for anything you want to CHANGE. If you want to enjoy high school you can't be focusing on all the negative things, like whether or not you have a good teacher or friends in the classroom. High school is what you make it. I loved my senior year because of the amazing people I found who were all around me, I just had to reach out for others to become part of my life. Lean on those who strengthen you. Learn all that you can, and don't complain for what you have to do. If you know that you have to go to school, and accept that, you can change your perspective to what am I going to get out of this experience. Am I going to hate it or enjoy it no matter what? Most important remember, the Lord loves and supports us during all of our experiences.
    This week I have set a goal with my whole zone to be a "More Purpose Driven" missionary and ask for all of you to pray for me to become purpose driven. I will do my best! In our lessons we have changed our approaches to be a little more bold. Bold out of love. My companion and I have been a little timid with our invitations to people, but powerful with our lessons and being friends with them. So we have been bold with some of the people we teach, and only as bold as the spirit directs. Otherwise we could overstep our boundaries and offend people. We invite and help out of love.
     I love and hope that as you prepare for college, high school, missions, and life in general that you do not forget to rely on the Savior, Because he loves you.   
Elder George

See it. Own it. Solve it. Do it.
These four steps are essential for anything you want to CHANGE.

 I got to go to the beach and play spike ball spike-ball with Elder Orito,
Lloyd and Snow play many great games of ping pong, a little bit of rugby,
and this weekend we get to go with some of the people we are teaching to
the Other Side of Heaven 2. 

When I get the chance to eat I eat !
Ate 9 ribs, 3 plates of rice, and a plate of spaghetti. Brought
back memories of Chan and me eating a whole rack back home. 

A Chinese proverb hanging on the wall that I really liked

At Zone conference we had a 3-legged race. We were discussing the importance of unity and working together!
We accepted  we didn't have a chance...Elder Kichiro picked up his companion
 Elder Snow and literally carried him across the finish line!! They obviously won!

Guam Zone Conference -
Loved getting to know these guys.

Missionaries Old, New, Young and Old - we all can serve.

Literally "The Other Side of Heaven" go see the movie!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Week 5 - Miracles and following a Raven?

 I've had some crazy lessons this week and share the story of miracles and a Raven in the email, however I just want to share one story here on the blog. One of the people my companion and I teach invited us to a Ingles Ni Christo meeting. We went and the entire meeting was designed to bash our church, and one of the adults was taking pictures of us sitting in their chapel. With all of the personal study I have had these past couple weeks I have grown a much more in depth understanding of the New Testament all the way till the end in Revelations. So I had all this knowledge locked and loaded....But here's what I know. Some people are not ready to receive the gospel message. After the meeting was over, I could feel an anger burning inside of me to defend my beliefs and counter every scripture they used. The pastor was talking to us on the side and explaining to us why our church isn't correct like theirs and my companion could see the fire in my eyes. Then the spirit whispered to me, "You can't win". Some hearts are set. No matter what I said it would have lacked charity and had no power to influence him to do anything different. The next day that anger was gone and replaced by sadness. I want them to know the full truth, not just parts of it but the Spirit knows the time and the place. Not Elder George. I love this work and there are many people just waiting to hear our message. Hope everyone has a great week!
Love Elder George
I got to work with Elder Adolfo for one whole day!

A coconut Elder Snow and I ate.
I have also tried coconut water and coconut milk.

Just what one of the roads looks like in the jungle.

Dogs in the street rallying to fight our car

Wendy's for Elder Snow's Birthday

Found a Patrick star in the garbage

Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 4 - Welcome to Guam

...        This week began on a plane from Salt Lake to Denver, Denver to Honolulu, and Honolulu to Guam. We left Monday at 3 am Utah time and got there Tuesday 3 am Utah time. After meeting our mission president and his wife (President and Sister Hicks) we were told the next day we would meet our new companions and receive a 2nd mission call. Wednesday night I opened my call, which told me I would be serving in the Harmon 1 area, speaking and teaching in English, while learning Chuukese, and every transfer there is a chance that the missionaries get moved around from island to island. So eventually I could be on Chuuk, another area of Guam or the islands.
           The work here is exhausting, fulfilling, and sometimes hard. Teaching families and people is the easiest part. Finding them is a different story. For example, my friend Elder Snow and I were dropped off by our companions Elder McDaniel and Elder Kichiro (since they are zone leaders) and we were to go find people in this large apartment building. We managed to knock 105 doors, 15 of those answered their doors, and only 1 of all of them was really interested in our message. Reminds me of going after the lost sheep, and leaving behind ninety-nine to find one. The people who have really taught me the most out here are those we teach.
          One Brother was baptized in December, he's 45 and he presses forward with one of the coolest testimonies I have ever heard. We meet with him every day, and some days he comes with Elder McDaniel and me to teach. He wants to receive the Priesthood now, and more than anything just wants to continue growing his faith in the Gospel. He knows it's true. He lives and loves it. I am so excited to hear from him when he gets the chance to enter the Temple for the first time. President and sister Hicks told us how the work here is progressing. People are ready to receive this message and the temple will be finished by Christmas of next year. Members are so excited to finally have the opportunity to do temple work here.
          I love these people and despite the little things, such as cockroaches in the apartment, trash all over the streets and in the jungle, and feeling hungry all the time, there is no other place the Lord would want me to be right now. I will continue to work hard, learn what I can, and have a positive attitude even when success is hard to find.
Love y'all
Elder George

Welcome to the Micronesia Guam Mission! After 24 hours travelling
we were greeted by the New Guam Mission President.

Our mission president and his wife - President and Sister Hicks
they arrived just a couple of weeks before me.

The next day we would meet our new companions 
and receive a 2nd mission call
Elder McDaniel is a Zone Leader and my new Companion. 
I will be serving in the Harmon 1 area, on Guam - speaking 
and teaching in English, while learning Chuukese

Like the last supper before the other elders from 
my MTC district leave with their new companions.

Elder Snow and I were dropped off to go find
people to teach in this large apartment building. 

Here is the apartment where Elder Snow and I managed to knock 105 doors

Its a jungle out here, but there is no other place the Lord would 
want me to be right now.  I will continue to work hard, learn what I can,
and have a positive attitude even when success is hard to find.

Week 93 - The work continues in Samoa, Seattle

Elder Dodson is my new companion!  and the missionary work continues here in Seattle "Samoa" The families are so good to us! Fuati...