Monday, November 25, 2019

Week 20 - Legends are Lessons and Creeping things for Lunch 11-25-2019

    Hello everyone! "Legends are Lessons" My quote is from the movie Brave if you didn't know.
This week I wanted to explain more about the culture. So a few legends that describe some things here on the island. They tell a story of how an eel was once cut in half and they buried the tail and the head. The tail sprung up a beetle-nut tree, and the head sprung up a coconut tree. Which explains why all coconuts have 2 eyes and a mouth. So we learn fun stories like this.
    The beetle-nut tree, beetle-nut is extremely common to chew on Yap. It is just everywhere, but when you chew it the little fruit is very addictive, it stains your teeth red and destroys the enamel. They put it with burned coral, which is like a lime powder to give it more flavor but it has the same effect as chewing tobacco. It is hard when we teach people the Word of Wisdom because beetle-nut is harmful to the body and they know that, but it is so readily available and cultural.
     My favorite legend though I heard from my friend Wakeen. He is really smart and he has told us one legend of the White Sails. Story time: "There is an island not from Yap that is but a few feet under the water. It was once an island and has since sunk. The people who lived there one day were met by these wise people. The wise people prophesied that one day soon ships with white sails would appear on the horizon, and they would have to make a decision. Do we stay or do we go? So the chiefs decided they would soon hold a council to make a decision. The day arrived that they were to meet to council and the wise people said, "look it is too late. See the sails?" And those people were left to their island and the wise people left. Not much later the island sunk beneath the waves and the people were lost."
     I like to think of it like the second coming. The prophets have warned us that we need to be ready, because it will hit us one day just like that. Will we be ready? or Not? I hope you all like the little legend, I may not have heard the full legend but this is what I learned from it. love you all, Elder George
Teaching with President Hicks, he used that little
dinosaur saying it looked like Elder George.

A clam and a lobster, and an Elder Christensen. 

Lunch made up of octopus, lobster and tarro. 
Sister Stella gave them to us.

What big teeth you have... all the better to eat you with says I.

Looking intently at the Copra (coconut shell when it is older) at Sister Stella's house.

While out friending, we came across a very confused tree.

As we continued friending we came to a dead end.  We found a really,
really Big Tree. Reminds me of the story of the man and the giving tree...

Human table, Elders being Elders on P-day

District meeting - and the Study continues.

Fridge overload, we glory in our abundance
for the Lord hath provided us with this fridge
of promise. In other words were not going hungry!

Spider friend made his web in the backseat of our
truck. He must have wanted to go friending too.

Sometimes we just don't understand everything and
it's okay. Like, "why is he driving with that door open"

What can I say, I just like petting the dogs while
sitting down, even though they might have fleas.

Teaching at night with a convenient lantern.
A little spooky.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 19 - Promptings and Mini Miracles - Zone Conference 11-18-2019

     Hello everyone! My notes for this week will consist of stories and notes from Zone Conference. First off, Elder Falaumahina and Elder Hymas and President Hicks came to Yap this week to train us.
     Story-time. So actions come first in receiving revelation (D & C 8:2) so we tried this. One night at 8:52 I had the spirit speak to my mind saying "Look, you can either finish early and go inside and study. Or you can walk down this road and teach someone". Well as Elder Christensen said we were going to record our mileage I said, "actually, we are going to walk down that road." I had never been down it, but we met a family who fed us dinner and had a lesson with us. The next day with Elder Jones it was 8:55 and we had taught a few lessons and didn't know where to go to friend. So I said, 'go left'. He picks a place to stop and we start talking to this guy who I am sure is who we were supposed to find. But, his ride picks him up right as we are talking and then it is 8:59. We start walking back to the car and see this guy...Well he was peeing, But! Right after he finished we had a short lesson with him and he asked us to come back the next day.
     Lastly, we have been teaching this awesome sister her name is Jasmine. We had just had our interviews with President but hurried over to our area (30 minute drive) then invited her to be baptized on November 30th and she said "I don't know what it is, but my desire to chew is all gone." She is so awesome and came to church and I gave a talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost and His Power. He truly is so amazing, and we know that from 2 Nephi 32:3, 5 that "the Holy Ghost will teach you all things that ye should do". So just be in tune with the spirit and he will bring you to the people that need you. I testify that it is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given us. Love you all,
Elder George

Zone Conference -Elders George, Christensen, Falaumahina, Hymas, Jones and President Hicks 

 Mysteries of God - Truth that can only be received through revelation.

"Give it Everything!!" - J Niel, I mean really whoever felt good about holding back? (Oh yeah I gave my job 50% and am feeling really good about it....Yeah, no.) What are we leaving with people we teach? We are having them write our names in their hearts, so that the message we share can stay with them too.

President Hicks brought Chocolate! So Sweet! Reeses, Hersheys and KitKat are my favorite!

Quote "There may be something that happens day
 to day that you clearly can see, but you may also
 be blessed in ways you can't see." - Sister Messick

Tradition! We always do a jump after Zone Conference. Please notice the toe-touch.. Go Colts!

We were at the airport at 2am to pick up President
Hicks and the Assistants to the President.

Bon voyage until the next Zone Conf in six more weeks.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week 18 - Bondage or Freedom 11-10-19

     This week was great. We accomplished our goal of 1500 push-ups, we memorized our mission song in Yapese, I learned how to bear my testimony and pray and am doing my best to get better.           
     What I want to share this week, is a message from my studies. One day while walking in the jungle I saw these 2 pigs tied up. All around the island I see these pigs which are fed and fed till they are fat enough and killed.
      Then while I was studying in Alma 48-63 I highlighted this word every time I saw it. BONDAGE. The whole goal of the Lamanites is summed up in Alma 49:26 "and it came to pass that he was exceedingly angry with his people because he had not obtained his desire over the nephites; he had not subjected them to the yoke of bondage". They wanted to prove they were right. That Laman's birthday right should not have been given to Nephi. So that did everything they could to take away the Nephites' agency. And that is what Satan is trying to do. At the bottom of the blog pictures is the poem "Bondage or Freedom"  that I wrote in personal study...

No shoes in the church...

This is really a land bridge. The ocean is on either side.
We just thought we'd stop here and think awhile. No Shoes!

"SHREK, I"M LOOKING DOWN"...Careful where you step cause... you might not step at all

Can you find the Elder in this picture

This is stone money. It's size and difficulty to
get it to the island give it it's value.

Flower Leigh from President Matthew

The Thol House is where we live here is the Kitchen/living room

The Thol House; Study room

The Thol House; Bed Room

Bondage or Freedom 
Ham said hey older borther I'm feeling tied down
Just sitting, doing nothing and rollin around.
Pork rolled his eyes, annoyed by this gesture
because Pork was content with his life full of pleasure

The older scoffed and snorted for in his mind he was free
Saying "nothings the matter just let life be."
They ate slop and leftovers with their lil pig snouts
But Ham had enough. He wanted out.

That night Ham lamented that this life wasn't giving
To just eat and be merry, wasn't really living
So he said tonight let us go and break free
Go out in the world, have a family you see?

But Pork settled down, hit the ground with a thud,
To his comfortable home, back down in the mud
Pork cried though it sounds nice, I just don't see the hurry
For that change would be difficult, too hard of a journey.

Ham shook his head, and looked to the gate,
He pushed with all his strength, before it was too late
The rope gave way, for his desire was strong
Ham was now free, what he wanted all along

Now for Pork he was good, and grew bigger and bigger
Completely ignorant to his life getting dimmer
For he thought he was safe, and all was well
But you all see the rest of this tale

Not but 1 week later the owner arrived
Pork figured "More food" till he was pushed to the side
As the knife was raised, the blade in the sky
Poor Pork broke down, with a tear in his eye

He had complete freedom! within the pen he'd supposed
But too late he realized the life he had chose
Subjected to bondage, restricted from choices he'd make
Was all that slop worth, his life they'd now take?

So wee see from the lives of these similar two
Bondage or Freedom. It's up to you.

Ham is free and found a friend!

Don't wait to break free, don't trade joy for pottage. Go out into the world and enjoy life. There is so much happiness and beauty out there, don't miss out on it all for the few things that might take away your agency. Love you all, hope you have a great week.
Elder George 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week 17 - 1 Year Older & Wiser too? November 3, 2019

      I turned 19 so I guess as the song says I am 1 year older and wiser as well. We carved a pineapple for Halloween, and for my birthday I now have my own machete.
      This week was fun hahaha. We taught a lot of people and promised everyone we taught that if they came to church this Sunday they would feel something really special. However, the day came and I sat at the piano and no one we invited came. I was pretty annoyed. If they didn't or couldn't come then I wish they had just told us that instead of saying they would be there. However, one of the people we teach said that they couldn't come this Sunday but wished they could. We found out later from the Elders in Colonia that she showed up to their meeting, and it was a really powerful meeting. She cried and said she felt something that she had never felt before at the other church. One of her friends told her 'That is the Holy Ghost'. She loved it, and has been to church a few times but hasn't felt it like that till yesterday. That made all my feelings of being upset go away. She got to have a wonderful experience. All worth it. She also told the people that there is this new missionary on Yap who is very wise... Well don't know who she was talking about but all I know is the missionaries here on Yap are doing amazing things.
      Lastly, we met a man named James and he started off by saying that his Dad is Presbyterian, his mom is Methodist, and he never knew how to know what religion of all of them was the true one. Elder Christensen and I looked at each other and both told the story of Joseph Smith and how he asked the same question in James 1:5...Coincidence? I think not! The lesson was amazing and we see him this coming Wednesday and really are excited to hear how his experience went. Have a great week everyone!
Elder George
Sometimes we just walk and walk.

It would appear Elder George has substituted a
 machete cover for his tie. New haircut in Yap 

Turns out, that coconuts have faces.
Two eyes and a mouth, and you stab the mouth
with a machete to get out the milk.

 Elder Christensen's masterfully carved Pine-O-Lantern

You could say, "It's Lit!"

Hurdling to entertain some kids...
Who says white men can't jump!

You gotta jump to dunk!

The chiefs' man house... or the elders' man house?

Rice and Orange Chicken...the rice all stuck together

Language study

Beautiful beach sunset

Beautiful night landscape

I walk this lonely road - Green Day

Week 93 - The work continues in Samoa, Seattle

Elder Dodson is my new companion!  and the missionary work continues here in Seattle "Samoa" The families are so good to us! Fuati...