Monday, August 24, 2020

Week 58 - All the comforts of home - August 24th 2020

My spiritual notes are two quotes, 
"I chose to open that door, I chose to open it again. It Is all about our choices. I chose to kick him out and I chose to let him in." this is what a friend of ours said who has had a really tough past and found the church later in life. The 2nd quote is "When life's too hard to stand, start kneeling. " I heard my companion say this one. I believe at some point we find the courage within ourselves, to turn to God. This is what we do our best to do, share our witness that God is listening. Have a great week,
Elder George

Who knew, just like in the jungles of Micronesia

Cafe Rio! We are eating really well.

A full size piano donated by some members.

My new suit - left by a departing missionary!

The members just keep giving us food

Elder Fullmer studying
Mattresses and everything.

We even have a real dishwasher

Plenty of practice mowing at home.
This lawn is not like a velvet carpet.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Week 57 - Seattle Washington Mission - August 17th 2020

          I'm back to mission life and gotta say it was a pretty easy adjustment. The reason why - My two zone leader companions Elders Taylor and Fullmer are awesome, they are solid missionaries and have made it really easy to get back to work. They teach well, they build each other and myself up, and they are fun to be around.
          Spiritual highlight: Wei Wang (someone we're teaching) said in order to receive an answer he believes in addition to reading and praying he has to serve people, he believes he isn't receiving an answer about the book of Mormon yet because he has to also serve people as the savior did. I respect that. I too wish to serve the people here as the savior did.
Once again,
Elder George
President and Sister Beard

Elder Taylor                                             Elder Fullmer

The Spanish members house had all these little toys on top of the
 piano and gave me a glass coke bottle because they all love coke.

     Right after I got my clothes hung up the closet the entire closet came crashing down!
 This was exciting for me and depressing for my companions hahaha. 

Someone stole our sandbags, which we need for our car wash, 
but don't worry our 24/7 toga wearing neighbor will find out who did it.

We were filming simplex testimony videos and I found this place
 Reminded me of pictures of the Sacred Grove. Kirkland, Washington.

Week 93 - The work continues in Samoa, Seattle

Elder Dodson is my new companion!  and the missionary work continues here in Seattle "Samoa" The families are so good to us! Fuati...