Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Weeks 79-80 Training in Samoa

Hello everyone, quite a few changes this transfer...I get to be a district leader and I'M TRAINING a brand new missionary out of online MTC in Utah. Originally assigned to Micronesia, Guam and Seattle. His name is Elder Wilson and I'll pick him up tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a culture shock for sure having his first area be "Samoa" and neither of us speak the language so there will be some struggles for sure. I'll miss Elder Seu, his Samoan magic, our time together has been great. Hopefully we can work some miracles here.

In this last week we had the opportunity to have some very spiritual lessons. People are the best thing out here honestly. Just being apart of their spiritual journey and spending time with families is my favorite part. 

A word I like this week is "willing". If my trainee is willing to work, willing to learn and adjust quickly and just run with me we will see miracles. I know that. And the people we are looking for? Are people willing to listen. Willing to do what it takes to come closer to Jesus Christ and seek out answers.

Sometimes I wish I was more willing to just focus on what I'm called to do, and I really want the next few months to be a time I can say that His work was my focus. 

Exciting changes, though new and difficult it is going to be good! Love you all, Elder George

Monday, January 11, 2021

Week 77-78 No Shortcuts

This thought is inspired by an experience and a talk. President Nelson back in October 2000 gave a talk called "Living by Scriptural Guidance". Some quotes are:
  • - False gods can only lead to dead ends.
  • - Our busy lives force us to focus on the things we DO from day to day. But the development of character only comes as we focus on who we really ARE. 
  • - Time for scripture study requires a schedule that will be honored. Otherwise blessings that matter most will be at the mercy of things that matter least. 
He also goes on to explain that the Lord took 6 periods of time in creation. Doing things in an order that would be lasting. Change can be temporary, or it can be lasting. We will have many experiences in which we feel maybe no change was made.  I've come to the conclusion that those experiences are any and all that involve "shortcuts". 

Most quick solutions are dangerous. This past week I asked some missionaries how one might slow their metabolism to gain weight and muscle, thinking it was a fast means to getting a few more lbs.  Well, long story short I gained 7 lbs in a few days and guess what, I got what I wanted! But there's a catch. Slowing the metabolism has side effects hahaha a cost. In fact, many asked why in the world I would want to slow my metabolism. A missionary reached out to me and explained any means by which you slow your metabolism will help you gain weight... But it's bad fuel. He said any time your metabolism is working on bad fuel, you oversleep, you nap, you over nap and feel lack of energy and exhausted. And truth be told, that's exactly how I felt! So we talked about how any gain in muscle weight should be done through higher intake of calories, strength resistance training (through weights), higher protein and smaller consistent means... And I've had a lot more energy since following his advice hahaha.
Lesson here: Consistent effort leads to lasting change. Some of us struggle with long term weaknesses or trials, and maybe miss the fact that the long term process is much more effective in changing us and making us want to change than if we simply overcame it in a day. It sounds nice, sure. But it doesn't work that way.
  • You don't binge the scriptures one day and expect an increase In spirituality and joy by not reading them for the next few weeks. You read every day if you want a change. 
  • You don't have an hour long prayer on Sunday and forget Monday thru Saturday if you want a connection with your Father in Heaven. You pray, morning and night daily. 
  • You don't workout one day, and become Huge. You workout every day and the muscles change. 
Service and a Work-out!

Consistency = patience + diligence.
A classic scripture to emphasize what I've said is 2nd Nephi 28:30
    For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
I'll end with one more quote from the same talk mentioned earlier. 
  • "Any great attainment requires proper planning, timing, patience, labor and no shortcuts" 
Love, Elder George 

Week 93 - The work continues in Samoa, Seattle

Elder Dodson is my new companion!  and the missionary work continues here in Seattle "Samoa" The families are so good to us! Fuati...