Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 35 - Let's go Danny Boy!

      Danny Boy, that legend from the past? Baptized! I came back to Yap and Elder Buttars let me know Danny Boy was being baptized this Saturday which resulted in a LEEETTTTSSS GOOOOOO! He wants to be a missionary someday and he is at college here so he called his parents in Chuuk to let them know how happy he was and excited for his baptism. I shared a little at the baptism and he is honestly the highlight of the week. I also remember President Bamlul saying, "The Holy Ghost is like a chicken. If you have the copra(coconut meat) it will come to you, but if not the chicken will run away from you...." And relating that to faith and obedience bringing the Holy Ghost to you, and disobedience and sin would make him run away. Never heard that one before hahaha

Elder Queroga healed and ready to work!
      Updates? Elder Queroga is fully recovered. Or so I have heard 🤔. He's out teaching and doing amazing things.
      I finished my antibiotics and am now just physically recovering from intestinal issues for so long. So doing some good ol ab workouts, which I have not done since...2019? My stomach has truly grown flabby & weak.
      We continue to sprint with learning Yapese by the end of this month. It sometimes seems impossible but we continue to do it so someday we can fluently teach in only Yapese. No longer part English part Yapese but can just go with the flow.
      Corona has mildly affected Yap.The boats with all the food that comes into Yap have stopped coming so we have built up food storage for what we think will be the Yap apocalypse. The other day we bought hash browns, and the shelves at the one store keeping getting emptier and emptier... It is crazy. We cooked some hash browns the other day and I don't know the next time that I will have hash browns because it was just such a bad experience. Apparently they expired last August but that was  learned by sad experience... They smelled so bad.
Preparing for the Yap Apocalypse... 😃
Actually this storage belongs to the Elders on Guam
     No cases of the virus anywhere in the Micronesian Islands, however they closed the hotels here and so the restaurants closed too....Which is rather depressing because that is where the only really good food was.
     But people are dealing with much worse around the world, I know that in the Asia North Area for example missionaries in Korea are locked down due to the seriousness of the virus. Life continues to be life. Up down, and all around. But the work will continue! Have a great week, Elder George

P-Day on YAP

An extra set of sisters for the week.


                                                      If Ye are Prepared, Ye shall not fear...

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Week 93 - The work continues in Samoa, Seattle

Elder Dodson is my new companion!  and the missionary work continues here in Seattle "Samoa" The families are so good to us! Fuati...